One intuitive platform to power your transactions

Perform due diligence or manage your projects, portfolios and holding companies the smart way to reduce costs.

Easy and user-friendly

Interface and functionality purpose-built for clean energy due diligence and underwriting

Organized for user needs

Standardized project, portfolio, and holding company data, QA, checklists, timelines

Efficient workflows

Streamlined workflow management for internal and external users

User management & permissions

Industrial strength user management and individualized permissions

Multi-layer security & accountability

Two-factor authentication, detailed audit trails and change history logs

Integrated and connected

Works with third-party asset management systems and data sources, including MS Excel, and Salesforce

Users know best...

“With the precision and technology of this platform, Dock helped CleanCapital to complete over $1 billion in clean energy transactions.”

Melinda Baglio

General Counsel & Chief Investment Officer

“The Dock platform has saved our team and our counterparties significant time on coordination, organization, and quality assurance work when managing acquisitions and sales of solar and storage assets.”

Julia Bell

Chief Commercial Officer

Get your clean energy data right with Dock

Request a Demo

Frequently Asked Questions

Is our business data secure?

All documents are stored on encrypted S3 buckets on AWS. Dock enforces 2FA for all users.

Why do I need to provide my phone number to sign up?

During sign up we do require a phone number for security reasons. We will verify your account with it to ensure platform security. We take your privacy seriously and will not use your phone number for any other purpose.

How much data can we upload?

Dock currently imposes no limit on data uploads. Additionally, Dock pricing is not based on the amount of data uploaded. For more information regarding pricing, please get in touch.

How many users can we add?

Dock currently imposes no limit on added users. Additionally, Dock pricing is not based on the number of users you add. For more information regarding pricing, please get in touch.

Which integrations are possible?

Dock can connect to third-party asset management systems and data sources, including Microsoft Excel, Salesforce and many others. Custom API and Single Sign-On (SSO) integration are available upon request. Please get in touch to learn more.

Which web browsers does Dock support?

Dock is a web-based application that runs in your desktop or tablet browser. It supports most modern browsers including: Microsoft Edge, Safari, Chrome and Mozilla Firefox. It is recommended to use a browser from this list as some features may not run optimally.

How long does it take to onboard my organization?

Onboarding time depends on the number of projects and data being added. We will support you with a dedicated Dock team throughout the process. We are also expanding Dock’s integrations and automations to make the process simple regardless of the systems your organization uses.