Jürgen Altziebler

CEO + Co-founder

Former Head of Product at CleanCapital, Product Design Lead at Elasticsearch, Chief Creative Officer at Intridea

Jürgen Altziebler is a creative business leader in the technology startup space, selling his first business to renowned branding firm Siegel & Gale in 2000. Jurgen successfully delivered next generation business applications to Microsoft, ADP, Bloomberg, Accenture, IBM Research, Pew Research, JP Morgan Chase, Amazon. With a remarkable track record of innovation and product launches, Jürgen is an experienced leader.

Jürgen's journey in the technology and clean energy world has been marked by a commitment to excellence and a relentless pursuit of user satisfaction. His ability to bridge the gap between complex technical solutions and elegant user experiences has earned him accolades and the respect of peers worldwide.

In addition to his professional accomplishments, Jürgen is a respected thought leader who shares his insights with product design students and young entrepreneurs. His expertise in product development, design thinking, and the evolving technological landscape continues to inspire professionals worldwide.

Originally from Austria, Jürgen moved to New York City in the 1990s with the restless pursuit of building internet based software for world class brands.